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Animism. It can still be found in some modern religions such as Shinto and New Age movements.

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Q: What is the ancient belief system that gives conscious life to inanimate objects and things in nature?
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What is animism?

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Epistemology is a type of philosophy that has 3 main approaches to it involving inanimate objects. the first is belief, meaning you believe it's there, the second is practice, whether the object has practical use or not. The 3rd is actuality what the actual use of the object is or was.

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Anamism. This is the belief that every plant, animal, and inanimate object has a soul or spirit. They have shamans to contact these spirits.

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The belief in life after death.

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Ringworm contrary to popular belief is not a worm but a fungal infection of the skin. Direct contact with infected people, animals, or inanimate objects (such as clothing, showers, pools, toilets etc.) transmits the fungal infection. It is highly contagious.