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Q: What is the anesthesia service for pneumocentesis for lung aspiration?
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What is pleurocentesis?

Removing fluid from a lung cavity, typically by needle aspiration.

Can Oxycontin cause you to get aspiration pnuemonia?

Yes. As well as a lung infection. It can be VERY serious, even fatal.

What is the most importante Advantages of gastrostomy tube?

It prevents you to have a choke and lung aspiration and food is directly delivered in the stomach.

What are potential complications from endotracheal intubation?

edema; bleeding; tracheal and esophageal perforation; pneumothorax (collapsed lung); and aspiration.

How fast do lung abscesses form?

Lung abscess is usually slow to develop. It may take about two weeks after aspiration or bronchial obstruction for an abscess to produce noticeable symptoms.

What are the more serious complications associated with sclerotherapy?

perforation or bleeding of the esophagus and lung problems, such as aspiration pneumonia. Long-term sclerotherapy can also damage the esophagus

Which lung is most frequently affected by aspiration?

The right. The right bronchus is bigger, the angle is less steep, and there's a little ridge that partially blocks the left bronchus.

What the medical term meaning urine in the lung?

Urine in the lung of an adult would be very rare, so assuming you mean urine in the lung of an infant or newborn, the term you are looking for would probably be AFA or Amniotic Fluid Aspiration. After the 36th week of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid filling the sac around the fetus is made up mostly of the urine of the fetus. During labor and delivery infants can aspirate or breathe and pull the amniotic fluid into their lungs. This aspiration can lead to respiratory distress or respiratory distress syndrome and lung infections in the newborns. Sometimes the amniotic fluid around the time of delivery also contains meconium which is the digestive excrement of the fetus. Meconium aspiration is also a term used for this, and since the amniotic fluid is mostly urine, there will also be urine that gets into the lungs at the same time. Meconium aspiration can also lead to serious respiratory problems in the newborn.

What causes silent aspiration?

Silent aspiration occurs when food or liquid enters the airway or lungs without triggering a cough reflex. This can be caused by conditions that affect swallowing coordination, such as stroke, neurological disorders, or weakened throat muscles. It can lead to lung infections and other respiratory issues if not detected and managed promptly.

Is it ethical for a Radiologist to conduct a Modified barium swallow study without a speech therapist?

YES.If at all any aspiration into lung occurs it is other specialists which are of need urgently not speech therapist.