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Q: What is the angle where a leaf stalk joins the stem?
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What part of the leaf joins with the stem?

The small stalk which attaches a leaf to a stem is called the leaf petiole.

Stalk that joins the leaf blade to the stem?

The part in question is called the petiole.

What is another word for leaf stalk?


What is the definition of petiole leaf?

It is the slender stalk by which the leaf is attached to the stem - in short, the leafstalk, or the stem or pedicle

What are the name of the stalk of a leaf?

PetioleThe stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem. Also called Leafstalk.

What is the meaning of stalk of a leaf?

It's kind of like the stem.

What is the angle between stem and leaf called?

The larger angle between leaf and stem is called abaxial,and smaller angle is called adaxial.axil

What is the angle between a leaf and stem called?

The larger angle between leaf and stem is called abaxial,and smaller angle is called adaxial.axil

The stalk that joints the leaf blade to the stem?

The stalk that joins the leaf blade to the stem is called the petiole. Its main function is to support the leaf and provide a pathway for nutrients to move between the leaf and the rest of the plant.

What type of leaf has only one leaf growing from the leaf stalk?

All leafs grow from a single leaf stalk. If the question is leafs on a stem then the answer is a simple leaf. Characteristic of simple leaves are that each have axillary buds on terminal at the stem. If the question was leaflet on a stalk then its everything except palmately and pinnately lobed.

What is a botanical angle?

leaf axil: The angle between a petiole and the stem

What are four basic parts of most plants?

Root, flower, leaf, and stalk (or stem).