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Q: What is the angular distance of an object?
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The altitude of an object in the sky is it angular distance of?

above the horizon is the answer

What is the small-angle formula?

The small angle formula is used for measuring the distance to a far away object when the actual size and angular size are known, or for finding out the actual size of a faraway object when the distance to the object and angular size are known. In arc-seconds: a = 206265 x D/d where a = the angular size of the object in arc-seconds D = the actual linear size of an object in km d = the distance to the object in km 206265 = the number of arc-seconds in a complete circle divided by 2pi In Radians: a = D/d where a = angular size of object in radians

What is the angular size of a circular object with 1 inch diameter viewed from 4 yards?

To find the angular size, we need to convert the distance to the object into radians. 4 yards is approximately 12 feet or 144 inches. The angular size can be calculated as the diameter of the object (1 inch) divided by the distance to the object (144 inches), which equals approximately 0.0069 radians.

What equations link angular and linear momentum If you exert a force on a free floating body it will have angular and linear momentum In what proportions and how are they linked?

angular momentum = linear momentum (of object) x perpendicular distance (from origin to the object) where x stands for cross product. angular momentum = mv x r (perpendicular dist.)

How do you find out the direction of angular accelaration?

The direction of angular acceleration comes from whether the angular speed of the object is clockwise or counterclockwise and whether it is speeding up or slowing down.The direction of the angular acceleration will be positive if the angular velocity is counterclockwise and the object's rotation is speeding up or if the angular velocity is clockwise and the object's rotation is slowing downThe direction of the angular acceleration will be negative if the angular velocity is clockwise and the object's rotation is speeding up or if the angular velocity is counterclockwise and the object's rotation is slowing downThe angular acceleration will not have a direction if the object's angular velocity is constant

When the angular speed of an object increase its angular momentum may or may not increase?

if the angular speed of an object increase its angular momentum will also increase

What is the angular size of circular object with a 2 inch diameter viewed from a distance of 4 yards?

It is 0.8 degrees.

What is the angular size of a circular object with a inch diameter viewed from a distance of 2 yards?

It is approx 0.8 degrees.

What is the angular size of a circular object with a 2 inch diameter viewed from a distance of 4 yards.?

It is 0.8 degrees.

What is the angular distance around the horizon from some reference point?

If the reference point and an object are both on the horizon then the angular distance to the object, relative to the reference point is simply the angle formed between the two rays from the observer to object and to the reference point. If either the object or reference point (or both) are not in the plane of the horizon then the appropriate rays are the projections of the rays from the observer onto the plane containing the horizon.

If a net torque is applied to an object that object will experience which of the following a constant angular speed angular acceleration or an increasing moment of inertia?

angular acceleration

What is the distance of an object that has an angular diameter of 100 seconds of arc and a linear diameter of 30 meters?

30 meters subtends 100 seconds of arc.I get a distance of 61,879 meters.