

What is the anion of chlorine?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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The anion of chlorine is chloride (Cl-).

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Q: What is the anion of chlorine?
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Is chlorine a basic anion or acidic anion?

Chlorine is a basic anion. It typically forms chloride ions (Cl-) by gaining an electron, making it negatively charged.

When chlorine is ionized does it become anion or cation?

Chlorine becomes an anion when it is ionized, as it gains one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

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Chlorine (as chloride, Cl-) is the anion.

WHAT atom is the anion in sodium chloride salt?

The anion is chlorine (Cl-).

How chlorine atom does become an anion?

A chlorine atom becomes an anion by gaining one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration with a full outer shell. This extra electron gives the chlorine atom a negative charge, making it an anion.

What is the most common anion in the body?

Chlorine is the most common anion in the body. Chlorine is an element that is utilized in industry, as well as found in common household products.

What is the name of the chlorine anion?

It is called chloride ion.

What form is chloride?

Chloride (Cl-) is the anion of chlorine.

When chlorine become's an ion what will happen?

When chlorine gains an electron , it forms an anion. It is represented as Cl-

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How many electrons in a chlorine anion?

A chlorine anion has gained one electron, resulting in a total of 18 electrons. A neutral chlorine atom has 17 electrons, but gaining one electron makes it negatively charged, with a total of 18 electrons in the anion.

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