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Q: What is the another meaning for decisions reached by identifying diseases from signs and symptoms?
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What is mimic disease?

There is no 'mimic' disease. You must have read something about how certain symptoms can mimic diseases of one kind or another.

What is another property in identifying a mineral?

The properties in identifying minerals are color,luster,hardness,cleavage and fracture,and streak.

Can an infectious disease be spread from one organism to another?

colds, and infectious diseases

What are non infectious diseases?

Diseases that are not transmitted from one person to another

What causes comminicable diseases?

Diseases that can be transmitted from one organism to another

What are cummunicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are diseases that can be passed from one person to another. These include all STDs, such as AIDS, as well as many other diseases.

What is the Definition of making decisions?

Making decisions is the act of deciding something one way or another.

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Why are friends unable to make decisions for one another?

Friends are unable to make decisions for one another. It is because of the difference in views some friends have got.

Why are communicable diseases potentially more dangerous than non-communicable diseases in a community?

Because non-communicable diseases are not passed from one person to another - communicable diseases are.

What is another way to say in between decisions?

Another way to say in between decisions is saying that you are indecisive. Indecisive means not settling an issue, indeterminate, undecided and unsettled.

What was the authors purpose for writing identifying generational differences and their causes?

The authors' purpose for writing and identifying generational differences and their causes was to make the readers learn and appreciate one another.