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Q: What is the answer for flatworm parasite in almost every kind of animal?
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Well, almost every animal has bones. But animals with backbones are called vertebrates.

What else do lice eat except blood?

Lice only drink blood, it is the only way they can survive. They need to feed every two to three days in order to stay alive. They only drink human blood being that they are a human parasite not an animal parasite. This means they do not drink animal blood.

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Almost every animal protects there babies.

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I belive that almost every living animal can bite and swollow.

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They are in both.They are almost in every eukariyotic cell.

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almost every animal in the ocean eats bacteria.

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Almost every cell is microscopic.Ova can be seen with naked eye.

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Orcas enemies are man, because they are feared by almost every animal in the world.