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petal metal

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Q: What is the answer to hink pink badge for a leaflike flower part?
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Badge for a leaflike flower part?

metal petal

A leaflike part that produces a flower bud and is usually green?


Which part of the flower is the female part?

Pistil This is the female part of the flower. It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures.

Outermost part of a flower?

outermost part of flower

What are the edible part in a flower?

the part of the flower that is edible

What is the radicle part of a flower?

what is the ridicule part of the flower

Are petals part of a flower?

yes they are actualy its the part of the flower........

The petals of the flower are surrounded by which part of the flower?

its a flower

Were is the filment on the flower?

it is the part of that flower

What part of a plant will identify the female organ of a flower?

you can differentiate by examin the flower. the flower has two part. upper part and lower part. the lower part of the flower is female organ. this is called ovary. it is oval shape.

What is the part that elevates the flower?

The filament is the part of the flower that elevates the anther.

What does the stlye do in a flower?

The style is part of the female part of a flower or plant.