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* Level 1 is blue paint, green tape, black tape. * level 2 is grass, water,x2 * level 3 is orange paint, belt, blue paint * level 4 is glasses, red paint, take off glasses, two black dots * level 5 is yellow, hat, green, take off hat, four dots * level 6 is long belt, blue, tall belt, pink remove belts * level 7 is glasses, seed, water, water, remove glasses two black dots * level 8 is yellow, hat, orange, remove hat,spoke, blue * level 9 is grass, water, hat, water,water, no hat * level 10 is red, spray, light * level 11 is blue, white X8, blackX4 * level 12 is flower, water, grass, water * level 13 is long belt, pink, tall belt, pink, both belts, blue, no belts * level 14 is glasses, grass, water, water, water, plunge twice on each plunger, take off glasses, 2 black dots * level 15 is spray, light, hat ,blue, take off hat * level 16 is grass water, blue flower, water, yellow flower, water * level 17 is red, black six times, white four times, black twice * level 18 is green, headphones, yellow, tako off headphones, put hat on, red, headphones, other color you have not used * level 19 is helmet, flowers, water x2, helmet off, flowers, water, grass, water * level 20 is black, helmet, yellow, halmet off, rotate x3, helmet, yellow, helmet off, rotate * level 21 is black, sunglasses, | plunger, other | plunger, red, -- plunger x2 sunglasses off * level 22 is blue, -- belt, yellow, -- belt off, | belt on, yellow, both belts on, orange, both belts off * level 23 is helmet, black, helmet off, circles, black, bottom white, circles off * level 24 is grass, helmet, blue flowers, helmet off, water, white flowers, water * level 25 is green, helmet, yellow, helmet off, rotate, helmet on, orange, rotate x2, helmet, orange, helmet off, rotate x7 * level 26 is spray, water x2, red, fish, blue * level 27 is pink, \ plunger, / plunger x2, white spray x7, black spray x3 * level 28 is -- belt, grass, -- belt off, | belt, grass, both belts on, water, both belts off, water x2 * level 29 is helmet, blue, helmet off, rotate, helmet, black, helmet off, rotate, helmet, black, rotate x7, helmet, red, rotate x2 * level 30 is spray, water, red, fish, water, blue, fish, green.

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14y ago
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13y ago
  • level 20 is black, helmet, yellow, halmet off, rotate x3, helmet, yellow, helmet off, rotate
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10y ago

factoryballs 4 answer for level 11

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flower water then grass water

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Q: What is the answer to level 7 on factory balls 1?
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Factory balls answers to level 7?

yellow + purple

How many factory balls games are there and what are their names?

There are 4 factory ball games that i know of. edit: factory balls 1, 2, 3, 4, and factory balls christmas. christmas edition is the hardest

How do you do factory balls 3 level 7?

you do grass seeds then flower seeds then the other flower seeds then water

How do you do level 7 factory balls 3?

you do grass seeds then flower seeds then the other flower seeds then water

How do you beat factory balls 3 level 7?

you do grass seeds then flower seeds then the other flower seeds then water

How do you play factory ball 1 level 7?

yopdivbubdjdhf dhfdksb gfdsfjkahdoawd

How do you do level 11 on factory balls 3?

1. yellow paint 2. hat paint 4.belt paint 6.hat paint 8.hat & belt this does work

How do you you beat factory balls?

here's how to beat Factory balls: level 1: tools order: 2,1 level 2: tools order:2,3,1,3 level 3: tools order:2,1,1 level 4: tools order:4,6,2,6 level 5: tools order:2,1,3,1,2 level 6: tools order:2,3,1,4,4,3 level 7: tools order:2,4,3 level 8: tools order:1,4,2,3,4 level 9: tools order:4,3,1,5 level 10: tools order:3,2,6,6,1,5,5,4 level 11: tools order:2,4,1,5,2,4,3,5 level 12: tools order:2,4,1,3,4 level 13: tools order:3,4,5,2,6,1,4 level 14: tools order:2,4,3,1,3

How do you beat level 11 on factory balls 3?

1. yellow paint 2. hat paint 4.belt paint 6.hat paint 8.hat & belt this does work

How do you get past level 27 on factory balls?

Put it in pinkPut it in the white spray can 7 timesPut it in the black spray can 3 timesPut on the left plunger once and the right plunger twiceYou're done!

How do you beat level 7 in factory balls 3?

first drab the ball to the yellow flowers and then drag the ball to the watering can. then drag the ball to the grass and the blue flowers. then drag it to the watering can again.

How do you do level 15 factory balls 4?

1. dip in orange 2.put on both grated covers 3. dip in blue 4. remove covors 5. put on belt 6. remove belt 7.sit back and enjoy how awesome i am [:>