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Difficult for a big time bettor to do.

Answer: BALANCE HIS BOOKIES (cabana, barrel, nimble, goiter, shaken, locate)

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Q: What is the answer to the jumble puzzle in the Sunday Oregonian on July 19 2009?
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What is the answer to the jumble puzzle in the Oregonian on February 27 2009?

When the podiatrist went to work, it was… Answer: ALWAYS ON "FOOT" (fable, leaky, drowsy, marmot)

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Answer to jumble puzzle on December 19 2009?

How he liked to treat his girlfriends. Answer: AS "SEQUELS" (annual, elite, assure, squirm)

What is the answer to the jumble puzzle on November 9 2009?

The bachelor described his broken engagements as … Answer: NEAR MRS. (azure, mauve, flaxen, scroll)

What is the answer to jumble puzzle for Friday August 21 2009?

When it came to his work, the swim teacher was…Answer: IMMERSED IN IT (niece, admit, disarm, falter)

What is jumble puzzle answer in the AZ Republic February 24 2009?

What the commentator's one-sided views were. Answer: PROFILES (villa, goose, piracy, effort)

Answer to the jumble puzzle July 12 2009 in the tv book?

Instant replay was born in December of 1963 however I believe the answer is "replay instant".

What is the answer to the October 18 2009 Wheel of Fortune bonus or final puzzle?

This was a Sunday rerun.

What is the answer to the jumble puzzle in the Alexandria La Town talk on January 28th 2009?

This can keep astronauts on the ground.Answer: A LAUNCHBREAK (brawl, crank, chubby, behave)

What is the answer to the 14 Sept 2009 jumble puzzle?

When the chef tried a new dish, the diners said it was… Answer: HALF BAKED (creek, hoard, fumble, alpaca)

What is the answer to the jumble puzzle in the Vancouver Province Newspaper on April 01 2009?

Difficult to save face when you do this. Answer: LOSE YOUR HEAD (foamy, elder, hooked, unsold)

What is the answer to the February 8 2009 Wheel of Fortune bonus or final puzzle?

This was a Sunday and the reruns (if any) would have varied by region. The bonus puzzle answer for Friday, February 6, 2009 was "Over and Out".