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air or oxygen whatever matter is omnipresent in described atmosphere.

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Q: What is the answer to the riddle you are taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case from which you are never released and yet you are used by almost everybody?
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You are taken from a mine and shutup in a wooden case from which i am never released and yet i am used by almost everybody?

pencil (graphite)

What are the release dates for The Riddle of the Wooden Leg - 1915?

The Riddle of the Wooden Leg - 1915 was released on: USA: 23 April 1915

You are taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case from which you are never released and yet you are used by almost everybody?

A pencil lead.

You are taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case from which you are never released and yet you are used by almost everybody what are you?

Lead from a Pencile.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Riddle of the Wooden Leg - 1915?

The cast of The Riddle of the Wooden Leg - 1915 includes: Harvey Clark as John Graydon Leona Hutton as Edith Lee - Detective Jack Nelson as Sauntry

What is the answer to the riddle You whistle through your wooden teeth I sound like a duck when I sing?


Riddle what whistles through wooden teeth easy to push buttons sounds like a duck when it sings?


What is the answer too this riddle you are cold you have a lamp a candle and a wooden stove. you only have one match what do you light first?

the match.

What kind of a riddle is this i am not a food I'm not a tree but I'm made of wood i have four legs but i don't have a feetand i live in your house in the room where you eat what a'm i?

The answer to the actual riddle is (obviously) a table. But since that's not what you're asking then that is not my answer. The answer to what type of riddle this is, is actually quite simple: it is a 'word problem'.

Answers for kit mystery challenge ds mystery 6?

Dad's 1st Riddle: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowDad's 2nd Riddle: Paint or Coat of paintCharlie's 1st Riddle: RCharlie's 2nd Riddle: NStirling's Riddle: Hamilton & Spring Grove, Hamilton & Spring Grove, Abbot & Spring Grove, Abbot & Spring Grove. (Just do both of them twice)Ruthie's 1st Riddle: White, Pink, Blue, YellowRuthie's 2nd Riddle: Are You Sleeping?School Yard Girl's Riddle: Harriet's are big with metal wheels, Anna's are small with wooden wheels, Kate's are big with wooden wheels, and Sarah's are small with metal wheels.Jacob's Riddle: Stirling is pitcher, Roger is 3rd base, Kate is 1st Base, and Harriet is 2nd Base.Roger's Riddle: Breath or Your BreathWill's Riddle: 11Aunt Millie's 1st Riddle: WholesomeAunt Millie's 2nd Riddle: DozensAunt Millie's 3rd Riddle: Half A PoundAunt Millie's 4th Riddle: 3Aunt Millie's 5th Riddle: 7.5(I really hope I helped anyone who needed these answers; on most cheat websites they only give you the really easy riddles. So. . .yeah, hope I helped. Enjoy the Answers! :) P.S If anyone needs more answers on ANY of the mysteries, I'm happy to help)Thanks sooooo much!! -14seneca5de

What are vampires weakness?

vampire's weakness in obviously sunlight or being stabbeed in the heart with a wooden stake everybody knows that.

What is the answer to the riddle I see' said the blind man to the deaf man while scratching his wooden leg?

it has no answer it is a joke because the blind man cant see and the person he is telling it to cant hear and their is no purpose in scratching a wooden leg because it can not itch