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"We didn't start the fire"

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Q: What is the answer to this mad gab Weed Hid Dents Tart thief Higher?
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Does it make you higher when you hold in THC from weed?

Yes, a lot higher

What was kush described as?

a higher dose of THC in weed

Are weed brownies more powerful than regular weed?

It gets you higher for longer and healthier than smoking but it takes a while to kick in

Is smoking weed legal?

Ofcourse its not legal. If smoking weed was legal, then people wouldn't be hiding it from police and higher authorities. If it was legal you would be able to grow it in your backyard or buy it from the shops. However, weed is illegal and it can kill you. And weed will never be legal!

Does smoking weed upside down get you higher?

It will likely cause you to pass out resulting in extreme injury.

If you smoke weed then you take a shower are you still high?

Yes Because when you take a shower the steam gets inside of your body and can stur up the weed and may make you get higher.

How much does a pound of weed cost?

A Pound of weed usually cost for mids itd be aroun 700-1600$. If ur lookin for some good dank itll be a higher price like 2500-6400$ in price for potency. If the weed has a low potency itll be a cheaper price if the weed has a high potency itll be higher in price. U culd always find it cheaper tho if u gotta good connection!!..

Is it bad for dogs to eat weed stems?

No. Its actually very healthy for them. And they can get 10x higher than you.... dipshxt..

Can you get higher if you keep smoking weed?

Does the rain get heavier if the clouds get darker? Simple, Yes you may get higher but I wouldn't recomed trying to get higher than high, it might some how harm you and you could eventually trip out.

Why are boys considered higher than girls in china?

cause everyone knows Chinese people don't like weed

What is the marjuiana that people call Chronic?

it is a catogorie of weed that is more potent then "mids" and will get u higher for longer; mids are for kids

Why weed is important?

Competition. Let me give you an example. Your kid is sitting at the table with 11 other kids, they are all fighting over the same food. The chances are higher that your kid will get the food if he/she is alone. Understand?