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depressor anguli oris

depressor labii inferioris

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Q: What is the antagonist muscle for the levator labii superioris?
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What facial muscles are used when sneering?

... basically it is the "levator labii superioris muscle". -roelbondoc

Which facial expression muscle acts to elevate the upper lip?

Levator labii superioris

What is the function of the levator labii superioris?

Elevate the upper lip

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is the muscle with the longest name. Elvis gave his quite a workout. How?


Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is the muscle with the longest name Elvis gave his quite a workout How?


The longest word of the human body?

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle

What is a labium?

Labii is Latin, meaning 'of the lip'. For example "Levator Labii Superioris" is the muscle that lifts the upper lip: Levator = lifter; Labii = of the lip; Superioris= of the upper (genitive to agree with labii). The base form of the word (the nominative) is labium; the plural is labia.

Which muscle was named for its action?

levator labii superioris ----------- There are actually several muscles named for their actions, levator scapuli is another. Others are named for their location, brachioradialis, or their length or shape, rhomboids, etc.

What is levator labii superiorios alaeque nasi?

It is a muscle that elevates the upper lip.

What muscle surrounds the upper lip and elevates it dilating the nostrils?

Levator labii superiors

What muscle of Facial expression is not innervated by facial nerve?

The following facial muscles are innervated by cranial nerve VII (facial nerve):- orbicularis oris (closes lips)- caninus (snarling in a dog)- levator nasolabialis (lifts nose and upper lip)- levator labii superioris (lifts upper lip)- depressor labii inferioris (depresses lower lip)- caudal belly of the digastricus (opens jaw)

How did the longest muscle get its name?

Depends what you mean:The longest muscle in the body is sartorius, and it curls down the length of the thigh. It literally means 'to do with tailoring' and there are numerous theories as to how it got this name.The muscle with the longest name in the body is called levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, and when translated from the Latin it describes its actual function "lifter of the upper lip and wing of the nose". So this muscle flares out your nose when you lift your upper lip in a 'snarl'!