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Heavy metals can be removed from the blood by chelation. That is done with a certain type of protein that can attach itself to heavy metal ions, not as an actual chemical bond, but as an enveloping process.

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Q: What is the antidote to iron toxicity?
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What is iron toxicity?

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Why is iron toxicity not uncommon?

Iron toxicity is not uncommon, due to the wide distribution of iron pills. A lethal dose of iron is in the range of 200-250 mg iron/kg body weight. Hence, a child who accidently eats 20 or more iron tablets may die as a result of iron toxicity.

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naloxone (is used as antidote for acute opiod toxicity and neonatal opiod asphyxia)naltrexone (can be used to decrease cravings in alcoholics)

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what medication is used to treat iron toxicity

What is the real cause of iron tixicity in children?

The real cause of iron toxicity in children is the child ingesting iron pills. This often happens when parents leave the iron pills sitting out.

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What part of speech is the antidote?

"Antidote" is a noun.