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Saturn has a light orange look with white and gray rings.
Saturn is: A gas giant (planet) with many moons. Saturn is also an automobile brand that is generally considered a gas miser. Avril means "April" in French.

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orange with rings some moons and has auroras.

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Q: What is the appearance of Saturn?
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What gives Saturn its color?

Saturn is the second largest planet, and has a yellow and orange appearance. This is caused by the trace amounts of sulfur in its atmosphere.

What is Saturn's appearance like?

Saturn has yellow rings surrounding it. The planet is light brown and yellow in color, and is named after a Roman god.

What is satern's appereance like?

'Saturn' has a reddish appearance with "rings" around it made from ice and rock

How is Saturn diffrent from Jupiter?

Saturn has massive rings where Jupiter's rings are much smaller. Saturn is also much smaller in size than Jupiter. Saturn is also farther away from the Sun than Jupiter. Saturn also has a different color to it than Jupiter does. Jupiter has the distinguishing feature of a large read storm while Saturn is more plain and uniform in appearance; a sort of yellow, brown mixture.

How can individual particles create the appearance of saturns rings?

saturn does not really have a ring around it it is just rocks that have been pulled into the atmosphere !

What is the planet that has a reddish appearance?

Jupiter: See related link for a picture.

What episode did sailor moon got her new transformation cosmic power?

In episode 112, Chibiusa meets a strange girl named Hotaru Tomoe. This is her first real appearance, however, you do not see Sailor Saturn at all, just her civilain form as Hotaru. In episode 119, it is revealed that Hotaru is Sailor Saturn, the senshi of death and rebirth, and silence. But still, we do not see Sailor Saturn herself yet. We just know by now that she exists and Hotaru is her as well as the Messiah of Silence. In episode 125, Mistress Nine (The Messiah of Silence, and also Hotaru) calls upon Pharaoh 90 using the Sacred Cup. Then, just before the world is about to be destroyed, Hotaru breaks free. The black star symbol of the Death Busters on Mistress Nine's forehead is shattered, replaced by the glow of Saturn's symbol. With Mistress Nine destroyed, we finally get to see Sailor Saturn in her true form. But she ends up sacrificing her life to stop Pharaoh Ninety, and is reborn as a baby. This is the first, and last, time we see Sailor Saturn in the S season. Those three episodes coud all be marked as Sailor Saturn's first appearance. However, in episode 168, Hotaru is reawakened as Sailor Saturn. We see the original Sailor Saturn as Hotaru is once again awakened and given her memories... then, later in the episode, Super Sailor Saturn makes her first appearance with the other Super Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. If I gave a little too much information, I apologize. But I marked the milestones of Hotaru's first appearance, when it is discovered that she is Sailor Saturn, her first appearance as Sailor Saturn, and her first appearance as Super Sailor Saturn. ^^ Hope this helps you.

Does Saturn have what looks like canals on its surface?

No, Saturn does not have canals on its surface. The appearance of canals on other planets, such as Mars, is a result of optical illusions or features created by geological processes. Saturn, on the other hand, is known for its majestic rings made up of countless icy particles.

What do the rings of Saturn do for Saturn?

The rings of Saturn orbits Saturn

What are Saturn's letter does Saturn have?

{| |+ Saturn |}

How you spell Saturn?

Saturn is spelled Saturn.

Which planet has the moon titan?

The planet that has a moon named Titan is Saturn.