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La pomme est rouge

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What does la pomme est rouge mean in french?

The apple is red.

What is apple mean in french?

The Word for apple in French is pomme

Why is a apple red?

an apple is red because it was just naturally made red

When was The Red Apple created?

The Red Apple was created in 2009.

How is a red apple different from a green apple?

The red apple is more sweet and the green apple has chances of being sour.

How do you spell an apple in French?

In French, an apple is spelled "une pomme."

How do you say apple in french?

an apple - une pommeThe French word for apple is "pomme".

Is it a good sign when an apple is red fleshed?

It depends on the type of apple. Some apples do redden on ripening. Others (French Golden Delicious, for example) mains green even when ripe.

How are red and green different?

a green apple is more sour and jucier than a red apple and a red apple just tastes like apple juice OBVIOUSLY!

Which apple will rot first?

i think a green apple will rot first than a red apple because a red apple is the most strongest apple.

What is the French name of apple pie?

Apple pie is "la tarte aux pommes" in French.

How do you say apple drink in french?

Boire Apple