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Biomechanical principles

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Q: What is the application of engineering to living things?
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What is a person who applies engineering to living things?

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Teletraffic engineering is the application of traffic engineering theory to telecommunications.

What is changing the gene of bacteria or other living things called?

I believe it is called genetic engineering.

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What is the mean of engineering?

Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

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Would you please give an example of 'biotechnology'?

Biotechnology is when they use living things in engineering, medicine, etc. It would be genetic engineering as well, when they change and modify living organisms, such as "Monsanto Corn" or "Canola Oil".

What is biomedial technology?

Biomedical technology is the application of technology and engineering to living organisms, which can involve a range of activities from designing medical equipment or conducting research.

The application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose is called engineering?

Yes, this is correct!The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is engineering.