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The archipelagic doctrine of the Philippines states that archipelago is defined as a sea of part of a sea studded with islands. These are often synonymous with island groups, or as a large group of island in an extensive body of water, such as sea.

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Q: What is the archipelagic doctrine of the Philippines?
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What is Archipelagic Doctrine?

The Archipelagic Doctrine is a specification in the Filipino Constitution of 1973 defining the boundaries of the country.

What is the second archipelagic country in the WORLD?

Philippines with 7,107 islands

Is archipelagic doctrine important?

The Archipelagic Doctrine is a specification in the Filipino Constitution of 1973 defining the boundaries of the country. It stated: "[T]he national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago with all the islands and waters embraced therein and all the other territories belonging to the Philippines..." This doctrine means, therefore, that the country, with its thousands of islands and many seas, should be considered as a political unit for reasons of history, law, geography, economics, and security. Also, when questions involving territorial conflicts arise, the Philippines uses this doctrine to support its territorial claims.

What is archipelargic doctrine all about?

The Archipelagic Doctrine is a particular clarification in the Filipino Constitution of 1973. It defines the boundaries of the Philippine archipelago as a single country.

What is Archipelagic Doctrine is all about as well as EEZ?

I Dont Know maybe EEZ is a Part of Your Stupid Brain

What are the advantage of being an archipelagic country like the Philippines?

so we are rich in water resources because we are sorrounded by water

Are the Philippine islands in Japan?

No, the Philippines is an archipelagic nation located in Southeast Asia. Japan is an island nation in East Asia.

How does the Philippine geography affect your national development?

The Philippines is a fragmented or archipelagic state. The fact that the islands are separated by water makes governing much more difficult.

What are the disadvantages of being an archipelagic country like the Philippines?

DISADVANTAGES OF AN ARCHIPELAGOThe archipelagic nature of the Philippines brought many disadvantages such as:* Growth and development in such areas as trade, transportation and communication were hampered. * Administrative regions had to be formed because of the difficulty in managing many provinces far from the national administrative center in Manila. * National security is a problem. * Attaining unity among a people that are isolated geographically is also a problem.

What is the largest archipelagic state?


Is Indonesia in Africa?

No, Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia and is the worlds largest archipelagic country.