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The fertile crescent

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Q: What is the area between the two great rivers in mesopotamia called?
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How did the geography of Mesopotamia help civilization develop there?

Mesopotamia had big rivers and the land was between them. With water you could make a great empire.

How did the geography of Mesopotamia help civilization develop?

Mesopotamia had big rivers and the land was between them. With water you could make a great empire.

What does mesopotamia mean in greek?

1.The word Mesopotamia is made from two Greek words .... (1) mesos, meaning 'middle', and (2) potamos, meaning 'river'. It actually refers to the area between the two great rivers , Tigris and Euphrates

Was ancient Mesopotamia beside ancient Egypt?

No. Ancient mesopotamia was around and between the Tirgris and Euphrates rivers. ancient Egypt was in north africa. And and Egypt became great later than mesopotamia.

What dose mesopotamia mean?

1.The word Mesopotamia is made from two Greek words .... (1) mesos, meaning 'middle', and (2) potamos, meaning 'river'. It actually refers to the area between the two great rivers , Tigris and Euphrates

What first ability allowed early civilizations to develop in Mesopotamia?

the ability to farm (great soil due to floods) and travel (river+boat=....) between the two rivers.

What is the land in between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers?

The Greek for Land between Rivers is Mesopotamia; an area once under the thrall of Babylon, later part of the empire of Alexander the Great, eventually a British protectorate, and now mostly Iraq.

Who is the king of Babylonia Empire what did he do to be a King?

They were the first, great civilization. They Babylonian's were known to between the famous rivers, which is in Mesopotamia. They had a great area for farming and such great riches such as gold and copper. With all this, they became very powerful.

why are plateaus important to Mesopotamia?

The geography of Mesopotamia, encompassing its ethnology and history, centered on the two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. While the southern is flat and marshy, the near approach of the two rivers to one another, at a spot where the undulating plateau of the north sinks suddenly into the Babylonian

Where was the world's first great civilization?

The Sumer or Sumerian Civilization (Mesopotamia) is noted as the first "Civilization" to meet all the right qualifications; c. 5300 B.C. It existed in what is today Iraq.

What is the capital of Mesopotamia?

The most famous capital of Mesopotamia (or "land between two rivers") was Babylon. At the present time, the country of Iraq occupies what once was the Kingdom of Mesopotamia.

How did the vegetation in Mesopotamia work out?

The vegetation in Mesopotamia is great!