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Q: What is the area of Europe where the vikings originated from?
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Where are vikings from which continent and area?

Vikings originated from Scandinavia, which is a region in Northern Europe. This includes present-day countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Where did the vikings originate from where was the age of the vikings?

Vikings originated from Scandanavia, and the Viking Age took place throughout Europe and parts of North America

Who made Vikings?

Runes had been in existence for nealy a thousand years before the Vikings. They originated with the Germanic tribes of Northern Europe.

What area of Europe did the Vikings raid?

vikings raided Britain,Ireland, and other parts of western Europe

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Indo-Europe, the area where India and Europe converge

Slavs is a large ethnic group originated from?

Indo-Europe, the area where India and Europe converge

Where did pointilism originate?

It originated from Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who raided Europe that came from Scandinavia?

The Vikings

Are vikings British?

No. The original vikings were Scandanavian. They originated in the countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.

Why were the Vikings called Norse men?

they originated in Norway

What is northmen?

"Northmen" is another term for the Vikings, who were seafaring warriors from Scandinavia that originated in present-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The Vikings were known for their raids, trade, and exploration throughout Europe during the late eighth to early eleventh centuries.

Who were the Scandinavian sea-warriors who raided Europe in the 8th to the 11th centuries?

The Vikings.