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Q: What is the argument against finnegans wake in the western literary canon?
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What is the inclusion of Finnegans Wake in the western literary canon a problem for some?

It is highly experimental and may be understood by only a few scholars.

Why is the inclusion of finnegans. Wake. in the western literary canon a problem for some?

Finnegans Wake is arguably the most difficult book to understand written in any language. Its inaccessibility makes it a problem for some. Then again, Einstein's papers on relativity are also inaccessible to most, but its doubtful that anyone would have a problem including them into the Western canon due to their extreme importance.--->apex It is highly experimental and may be understood by only a few scholars.

What of these might be considered points of argument regarding making changes to the Western literary canon?

New voices vs. tradition Artistic merit vs. popularity

Why would many reader object to including finnegans wake in the western literary cano?

Many readers may object to including Finnegans Wake in the western literary canon due to its dense and difficult-to-understand writing style, lack of a traditional narrative structure, and incorporation of multiple languages and wordplay. Some may argue that it is overly self-indulgent and exclusive, making it inaccessible to a wider audience and diminishing its relevance in the canon.

Western literary tradition originate?

Western literary tradition originated in ancient Greece.

Is greek vs roman considered points of argument regarding making changes to the western literary canon?

Tradition vs. diversity,Popularity vs. aesthetic value

What can you say about most works in the Western literary tradition?

Most works in the Western literary tradition share a connection to ancient Greece.

What does the existing western literary canon exclude that is one criticism of it?

One criticism of the existing Western literary canon is that it mostly excludes women and minorities.

Is there complete consensus about what should be included in the Western literary canon?

Western literary societies have a large amount of consensus on which works should be included in the literary canon. However sometimes up to 10% of these may be disagreed upon. This number changes as the make up of literary societies and academia changes from year to year.

The works Moby Dick belong to what western literary?


What works in the Western literary tradition have in common?

Most works in the Western literary tradition have a connection to the culture of ancient Greece.

What do the works in the western literary tradition have in common?

the culture of ancient Greece.