

Best Answer

The Winged Dragon Of Ra is the most unexpected surprise attack for players.

Although the question is what's the ATK and DEF, it is unknown. When you get the card, the ATK and DEF is unknown.

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Q: What is the atk and def of the winged dragon of ra?
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How does winged dragon of ra gan attack points?

you ad all the atk and def of the sacrifced monsters.

Is dragon master knight stronger than Egyptian god cards?

The answer to this question cannot be determined with Slifer the Sky Dragon or The Winged Dragon of Ra because Slifer the Sky Dragon's legal copy has yet to be released and because The Winged Dragon of Ra's (legal version) effect allows a Player to pay Life Points until they only have 100 left to add to the ATK of The Winged Dragon of Ra equal to the amount of Life Points paid.Considering only ATK and DEF, Dragon Master Knight has more ATK and DEF than Obelisk the Tormentor in a sense that it is "stronger".

What is the strongest yu gi oh?

In terms of sheer ATK and DEF power, only Dragon Master Knight and Five-Headed Dragon (also known as F.G.D.) both have 5000 ATK and DEF points. In terms of effect, it is a matter of personal opinion.The winged dragon of ra is the strongest god card.

Is it possible to beat the winged dragon of ra?

It may be possible if you decrease the atk of the monsters used to tribute for it's summoning. This should weaken Ra as his effect take the atk and def of the monsters used to summon it and add them to his own. Then you could make sure your opponent doesn't have many lif points and they won't be able to transfer them into Ra's atk. Then orde your monsters to attack

How are the ATK and DEF determined for the Winged Dragon of Ra?

Winged Dragon of Ra's game-legal reprint differs from what most people expected, it is not the same as on the show. It does not gain any ATK from the monsters that were tributed for the summon, but when you summon it, you can pay your life down to 100 (not 1) and it will gain as much ATK as lifepoints you paid. (The card isn't available in English yet, but has recently come out in Japan and Korea, and like the legal version of Obelisk, the TCG should get it too within a few months)

The strongest dragion yu gi oh card?

the winged dragon of ra XXXX atx points Winged Dragon of Ra hasn´t xxxx atk points also That card cant be played the best is FGD

Who is the strongest egyptian god?

In the anime its the winged dragon of ra, but trading cards wise i'd would say that obelisk is more reliable as he has a fixed atk and def, also there are loads of effects for TWDofR but not in the actual card game.

The best Yu-Gi-Oh god card?

The Winged Dragon Of Ra ATK: ???? DEF: ???? DIVINE-BEAST / Light the attack and defense of this card is determined of the 3 monsters that were used as a sacerfice to summon it. Example: Blue-Eyes White Dragon + Dark Magician + Cosmo Queen ATK = 3000 + 2500 + 2900 [ 8400 ATK] DEF = 2500 + 2100 + 2450 [ 7050 DEF ] Effects: * Pay 1000LP you can automatically destroy any monster on your opponent's side of the field * Pay all but 1LP and increase both the ATK & DEF of the Winged Dragon Of Ra by that much power Example: Winged Dragon Of Ra ATK: 8400 DEF: 7050 before the effect LP: 8000 - 1 = 7999 LP used up 8400 + 7999 = 16,399 [ATK] 7050 + 7999 = 15,049 [DEF] * offer 1 monster on your side of the field and apply its attack and defense points to the winged dragon of ra * after being resurrected by a spell card this card can attack right away even if Vengeful Bog Spirit is in effect

How do you beat winged dragon of RA?

Deck Devestation Virus: The Winged Dragon of Ra has 0 ATK while in the hand so it is vunerable. Also works against Slifer Use Ceremonial Bell or Ambitious Gofer to make sure it is in their hand.

What is special about the God cards?

The 3 God cards have unique effects.Slifer the Sky Dragon's ATK/DEF are determined by the number of cards in your hand X1,000. So, if you had 5 cards in your hand when you summoned Slifer, its ATK/DEF would be 5,000. Muka Mukaand Enraged Muka Muka have similar effects.Obelisk the Tormentor can Tribute 2 monsters you control (besides Obelisk) to destroy all your opponent's monsters. Lightning Vortex can do the same by discarding 1 card.The Winged Dragon of Ra has three effects:Ra's ATK/DEF equals the total ATK/DEF of the monsters Tributed to summon Ra.Pay 1000 life points to destroy one monster on the field. This is like Raigeki Break.Pay any amount of life points to increase Ra's ATK and DEF by the same amount.

Is Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon stronger than an Egyptian God card?

It depends on what you are considering "strength." In terms of ATK, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon surpasses Obelisk the Tormentor's 4000 ATK and The Winged Dragon of Ra's ATK depending on the amount of Life Points paid.Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon cannot be compared to the last of the three God Cards, Slifer the Sky Dragon, as it is the only God Card that has not been released as a tournament-legal Effect Monster. Therefore, its ATK, DEF, and effects cannot be determined.Also, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon has no additional effects that protects it from some card effects, enables it to destroy monsters (such as the effect of Obelisk the Tormentor), or increase its ATK (such as the effect of The Winged Dragon of Ra). So in that sense, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is not as "strong."

Is Slifer the sky dragon the best god card?

if you mean printed, then it's obelisk. If you mean by effect then it's RA. Ra's ATK and DEF is equal to the total ATK and DEF of the 3 tribute monsters. if you take let me see... 3x armytile (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) then Ra's ATK would be 30.000. you can pay life points until you have 100 Life Points left. boosting it's ATK even more.