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There is no attraction between two like-charged things. Instead, repulsion between the things take place.

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Q: What is the attraction between two like charged things?
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Is a property of matter in which there is a force of attraction or repulsion between unlike or like poles?


Is there more forces other then gravity?

-- Gravity ... attraction between any two masses-- Magnetic force ... attraction or repulsion between a magnet and magnetic materials,or between conductors carrying electric current-- Electrostatic force ... attraction or repulsion between electric charges, like theballoon and the wall, the comb and the bits of tissue, the socks and the shirtsin the dryer, etc.-- Strong nuclear force ... attraction between particles in the nucleus of the atom;only works over very short distances ... like inside the nucleus of an atom.

What is the different shape between cohesion and adhesion?

Cohesion the force of attraction by which the molecules of a solid or liquid tend to remain together (clinging power of the same substance)Adhesion: intermolecular attraction between substances that are unlike and in surface contact, causing them to cling together (like glue to paper)

Is the nuclear force a force of attraction or repulsion or both?

It is only attractive in nature. I am not sure which nuclear force you talk about. Electrical forces of the nucleus are repulsive to the positively charged. There are "strong forces" and the like which are attractive.

Do different surfaces affect the adhesion of tape?

Yes, the adhesion between tape and a surface depends on the nature of the surface. Adhesion results from the attraction between molecules in the adhesive and molecules on the surface. Some materials, like wood allow for more of this attraction than substances like metal. Thus, the amount of adhesion depends on the surface as well as the adhesive on the tape.

Related questions

An ionic bond is attracted between what?

.... between one or more postive (metal) ions and one or more negative ions like chloride, sulfate, nitrate, carbonate etc. Example: 2Al3+ + 3SO42- --> Al2(SO4)3

Which compound is held together by ionic bonds?

Electrostatic attraction between positive and negative charges.

An attraction between substances?

Van der Wals Forces, for one. Hydrogen Bonding for another [same thing]. In the chemical Atomic Bonding of Atoms electrons are negatively charged while protons are positively charged - that sounds like Electricity to me.

How do men act when they are attracted to someone?

friend - the attraction between man to man is so small and many other attraction forces are also acting like gravitation force , moon force , attraction between other persons (when we are between many persons we are not felling confortable attraction between each other but it is balanced**try to undestand**) attraction between other objects . in this way if less things around it fact very small thanks u for ur question

What is the law of forces for attraction and repulsion?

MagnestismThe Law of Attraction and Repulsion states that like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract. For example, two positively charged objects would repel, whereas a positively charged object and a negatively charged object would attract.

What cause dipole interactions?

In the context of chemistry, a dipole is a polar molecule, having a negatively charged end and a positively charged end, as a result of the specific geometry of the electron configuration of that molecule. The poles of a given molecule then interact with other poles of other molecules on the basis of Coulomb's Law. Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.

What is the ionic bonds is the attraction between?

.... between one or more postive (metal) ions and one or more negative ions like chloride, sulfate, nitrate, carbonate etc. Example: 2Al3+ + 3SO42- --> Al2(SO4)3

What does attraction between ions create?

The attraction between ions creates ionic compounds. These compounds involve ions being bonded in a structure in a lattice-like structure.

Attraction and repulsion?

Attraction and repulsion, in physics means, is when two objects attract and repel one another. For example, an When a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with negatively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. Same goes for when a positively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will repel. But if a negatively charged rod is brought near an electroscope with positively charged leaves, the leaves will attract. Kind of like opposites attract, and likeness repels.

Is a covalent bond the result of electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions?

A covalent bond is the result of atoms sharing electrons. What is described in the question is much more like an ionic bond where an electron/or electrons move from atom-to-atom.

Describe the interaction between two like chargesis the interaction the same between two unlike charges?

The interaction between two like-charged objects is repulsive. The interaction between two oppositely charged objects is attractive.

What force of attraction is responsible for the formation of a thin film on the surface of water?

The attraction that causes water and other liquids to form drops and thin films is cohesion. The attraction between oppositely charges ions results in the formation of an ionic bond.