

What is the attractive forces between like molecules?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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Cohesive force is the attractive force between like molecules. Cohesive forces are also known as intermolecular forces and can also be repulsion forces.

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Q: What is the attractive forces between like molecules?
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What does forces between particles mean?

Forces between particles refer to the interactions that occur between individual particles such as atoms or molecules. These forces can be attractive, like van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding, or repulsive, like electrostatic forces. The strength and type of force between particles can affect their behavior and arrangement in different states of matter.

What is the definition of cohesion force?

Cohesion force refers to the attractive forces between molecules of the same substance, causing them to stick together. These forces are responsible for phenomena like surface tension and capillary action. Cohesion is essential for the overall stability and properties of liquids.

The attractive force between masses is known as?

cohesion: the intermolecular attraction between like molecules

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What are the attractive forces between like substances called?

The ability of like molecule to attract is called cohesive force

What is the most important type of intermolecular forces between fat molecules and petroleum ether molecules?

The most important type of intermolecular force between fat molecules and petroleum ether molecules is London dispersion forces. These forces are temporary and arise from the fluctuations in electron distribution within molecules, allowing for weak attractions between nonpolar molecules like fats and petroleum ether.

What are vandarwalls forces?

Van der Waals forces are weak attractive or repulsive forces that exist between molecules due to temporary fluctuations in electron density. These forces include London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding. They play a role in determining the physical properties of substances like boiling points, melting points, and solubility.

What is the attraction and repulsion forces between subatomic particles?

Subatomic particles can experience attraction or repulsion due to electromagnetic forces. Positively charged particles, like protons, repel each other, while negatively charged particles, like electrons, can be attracted to positively charged particles. The strength of these forces depends on the distance between the particles and the magnitude of their charges.

What is the force of attraction between like molecules?

An attractive force between like particles is a force that causes particles of the same type to be attracted to each other. This force is responsible for the cohesion of atoms and molecules, as well as the attraction between particles in a solid, liquid, or gas. The attractive force between like particles is usually weaker than the force of attraction between unlike particles.

What is the basic difference between attractive and repulsive forces?

Attractive forces bring objects closer together, such as gravitational attraction between two masses. Repulsive forces push objects apart, like the electrostatic repulsion between two positively charged particles.

Concept map that illustrates the relationships that exist between the intermolecular forces Make sure to unclude examples?

Intermolecular forces include London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding. London dispersion forces are the weakest and occur between all molecules. Dipole-dipole interactions exist between polar molecules like HCl. Hydrogen bonding is the strongest intermolecular force and occurs between molecules with hydrogen directly bonded to highly electronegative atoms like in H2O.

What types of molecules have the strongest intermoleculer forces?

Molecules with hydrogen bonding have the strongest intermolecular forces. This includes molecules containing hydrogen bonded to highly electronegative atoms like oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine. These intermolecular forces are stronger than other types such as dipole-dipole or van der Waals forces.