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Gas is readily available today almost everywhere.

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Q: What is the availability of fuel for hybrid cars?
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Related questions

Types of fuel efficient cars?

Hybrid cars like Civic hybrid and cars with DICOR like Indigo DICOR

Is the fuel used in hybrid vehicles renewable?

No, hybrid cars run on gas

Are Saturn hybrid cars reliable?

Yes, the saturn hybrid cars are very fuel economy and environmentally cars. On you will find very good information on comparing the fuel for different vicheals.

Do hybrid cars save fuel?

If driven correctly. If not then no.

What is the same about a hybrid and regular cars?

The fuel they use.

Getting the Right Hybrid Fuel?

Hybrid cars run off of the same types of fuel that any other car runs on. The only thing that you really need to take into account when you're buying a hybrid is fuel octane. That is, hybrid cars generally need a higher octane fuel than other cars do. If you don't get the right hybrid car fuel, you can end up causing a whole lot of problems in your engine.

How efficient is hybrid car fuel?

Hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular cars. Also, the great thing about the hybrid car is that you do not necessarily need to use fuel to drive a hybrid car, which will help you save money on gas.

What are all of the hybrid electric cars?

Hybrid cars are not the same as an electric car. Electric cars run on electric power exclusively, while hybrid cars use a combination of electric energy and another fuel to run.

Are hybrid cars causing global warming?

No, hybrid cars were designed to use less fossil fuel, thus slowing global warming.

What models of cars did Chevrolet make hybrids of?

Chevrolet made hybrid cars out of these models of their cars Malibu, Equinox Fuel Cell, Cruze Eco, Malibu Eco, Volt, Tahoe Hybrid, and the Silverado Hybrid. The only cars that don't run on gasoline at all are the Volt and the Equinox Fuel Cell.

How fuel efficient are water hybrid cars?

The following article I am including is primarily directed to the question at hand. It is devoted to fuel efficient hybrid vehicles. The article can be found at

Dodge Hybrid Cars For Fuel Efficiency?

It's a wise choice to seek out methods that maximize fuel efficiency. One of the best ways to do so is to give hybrid cars a chance. Combining both gasoline and electric power, hybrid cars can easily double your miles per gallon. Dodge hybrid cars are great for drivers who value both style and comfort.