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The average age for females varies depending on the region and population being studied. Globally, the average age for females is around 31 years old.

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Q: What is the average age for a female?
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What is the average IQ of a 13 year old female?

100. The average is always 100 regardless of your age, as it's relative to other people of the same age.

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the average IQ is about 90 to 115 This is for male and female age has no difference realy and never does gender its just how Inteligent you are.

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5.5 Height 50 kg

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The average age of an unmarried/single female is 25. There is a higher percentage of unmarried females in the age racket of 18-29 than any other bracket. The average age of an unmarried/single male is 28.

How much does the average female pelvic bone weigh?

206. Same as in any human body, male or female.

Do Write a program in c plus plus to enter 10 voters age and display the average male voters age and average female voters age using loop?

#include<iostream>int main () { int age, female=0, male=0, fcount=0, mcount=0; char sex; for (int voter=0; voter<10; ++voter) { std::cout << "Enter the voter's age and gender: "; std::cin >> age >> sex; switch (sex) { case 'm': case 'M': ++mcount; male += age; break; case 'f': case 'F': ++fcount; female += age; break; } } std::cout << "Average male age: " << male / mcount << std::endl; std::cout << "Average female age: " << female / fcount << std::endl; }

Is an IQ score of 126 average for a 36 year old female?

An IQ of 100 is average for any age level so if you are above 100 then you are above average.