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52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.

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Q: What is the average age for women who get abortions?
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What race of women have the abortions?

All races have abortions.

What is the average age for women- average age for men?

The average age for women is around 41 years old, while the average age for men is around 39 years old. These ages may vary depending on the specific population or region being considered.

Do Black women have more abortions than white women?

Recent studies have shown that 40% of all abortions are by black women, while white women account for approximately 11% of all abortions. Hispanic women account for about 28%.

What age group has more abortions?

AnswerIn the UK the age group is 17-25. In the US it's the 20's.

What is the average women age?

88 is the average age is my guess

What was the average age for abortions in 1990?

The average age for abortions in 1990 varied, but data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that a significant proportion of women seeking abortions were in their 20s and 30s. The exact average age would depend on the specific data set being analyzed.

Do Muslim women have abortions?

Yes. Women of all countries, religions, cultures, level in society have abortions. However, the fetus is viewed as becoming a living soul after four months of gestation and abortions after that point are impermissible.

What is the average age of marriage of American women?

The average age of marriage for American women is around 28 years old.

What is the average marriage age for women in Russia?

The average marriage age for women in Russia is 25. but this fluctuates between 24 and 25.

What is the average age at marriage for women in the rural area of the Philippines?

The average age at marriage for women in rural areas of the Philippines is around 22-24 years old. This can vary depending on factors such as access to education and cultural traditions.

What was the age of most women in World War 2?

The average age for women in WWII was 25

Did the Nazi invent abortions?

no abortions go back to the ancient Egyptians and probably before that. It was def around before the Nazis and many women died in backalley abortions.