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ellloo, lovely:)

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Q: What is the average amount of calories consumed by a 12 year old?
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i have no idea ok i want to know this question to

How many calories are consumed in Spain by year?

Approximately3.77427373 × 1013too many.

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There is an average of 3.3 billion tons of concrete used each year, and this amount is on the rise.

How many calories on average do you comsume in a year?

If you multiply the average man's daily value of calories (2,000) into a year, it goes to 730,000. So, on average, probably between 700,000 calories and 750,000 calories per year.

What is the average needed calories for a 65 year old man?

About 1,800 calories, on average.

What is the amount of food consumed in the US?

The average American consumes about a ton of food each year. There are over 300 million Americans in the United States.

How much should an average 14 year old eat?

you should eat at least 2000 calories! Eat about as much as an average calf would. Or the average sea lion, supposedly its the same amount.

How many calories should a thirteen year old girl take in if she is 4 ft 8?

On average, a 13 year old girl should take in 1700-2100 calories a day to remain healthy. Seeing as you are shorter, then I'm guessing you should intake the lower amount of calories.

What do you call the amount of food consumed by a man in 1 year?

Intake per capita.

How many calories does a 17 year old 6'1 girl require?

2,000 calories, on average.

How many calories should an 18 year old eat a day?

1800 calories average

What is the average amount of calories a 13 year old girl should get each day?

The exact calorie intake is hard to determine, as it relies on many factors, like age, gender, weight, height, body type, body mass, activity level, and a few others. On average, though, about 1,200 to 1,400 calories a day.