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Round 1200 annually!

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Q: What is the average amount of money spent on clothes per person?
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What is average income?

the average amount of money a person can get a week, month in 1900

What is the amount of money spent on clothes each year?

Depends age of person or child and how much you need and depends on where you shop for clothes.

How much money should be spent on clothes every month?

The average amount that a single person spends on clothes each month is roughly 59 dollars for a woman, and 35 dollars for a man. This does not include shoes which add in 21 dollars a month.

What is the average amount of money a person wastes on alcohol per year?

The average amount of money a person wastes on alcohol per year can vary depending on individual consumption habits. On average, it can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars annually. A study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that heavy drinkers spend over $1,000 per year on alcohol.

What is the average amount of money a person spends on coffee?

For a small about 1.50 a medium about 2.00 and for a large about 2.50.

The average amount of money earned by each person in a nation is known as the nations what?

per capita income

What does GDP per capita mean?

The amount of an average person makes a year. "moo cow"

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How much money does a otologist earn?

The average salary of an otologist is close to $90,000. The amount will vary depending upon a person education and experience.

What you mean by high income per capital?

It is when a certain country has a high average amount of money, earned in a certain year by a person in a country.

What is the average amount of money left on a will?

Around $100,000

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