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From what ive read of them, they arent cheap, bordering from 100-300 dollars per gas spectrometer test.

But they are VERY accuratee, and usually only used to confirm a positive reading on a preliminary test, such as a urine test.

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Q: What is the average cost of a GCMS drug test?
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How do you pass a 10-50 GCMS drug test?

Don't do drugs.

Does mersyndol show up in drug tests?

Yes, it will show in a laboratorydrug and alcoholtest as an opiate. If you declare it, your test can be sent for a GCMS which will further identify the opiate as a doxylamine, and you will pass your drug test.

Do all drug screens to gcms test?

Generally no, confirmation gc/ms is run when initial test come positive or "non-negative". But some company (employee testing) pay for this test also.

Can baby orajel cause a false positive for a drug test for cocaine?

Nope, lidocaine, and benzocaine will never provide cross reactivity on a cocaine EMIT assay, or GCMS.

Can phentermine show up in drug test?

URINE DRUG TEST RESULTSyes; the presumptive test will be positive for amphetamines and the GCMS test will be negative. This would indicate that you did not take a true amphetaMINE. yOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO IDENTIFY ANY AND ALL OTC AND RX MEDS TAKEN; HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY PROVIDED YOU HAVE A VALID PRESCRIPTION FROM A PHYSICIAN.

Does 5 panel drug test for benzodiazepines?

only if it is a Lab drug test, then they will be able to tell exactly what benzo you took. But the 5 and 12 panel drug test just detect whether a benzo is in the system or not... unless the doctors have special ones now days....

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What is the difference between a lab drug test and home drug test?

One is done at home and the other is done in a lab. It really depends upon the lab! Some labs actually use the same tests that are often sold for home use. Sometimes labs will perform a "rapid test" and them only do GCMS or LCMS confirmations. For more information about labs or rapid tests, see They have lots of information about drugs, drug testing, labs, home drug tests, etc.

Do all benzodiazepines show up the same on a gcms test?

No. A GCMS is a very highly accurate tool for determination of molecular mass. Since the molecular masses of benzodiazapines can vary greatly. For instance alprazolam (xanax) has a molecular mass of over 308 g/mol and diazepam (valium) has a molecular mass of just under 285 g/mol.If you're being given one type of benzodiazepine legitimately, they CAN test to see if you've strayed from your prescribed treatment. The longer the half life of the drug, the longer they can test for it. "Xanax" can be tested for for several days while "Kolonopin" could probably be tested for for at least a week or more.

Does the reception battalion drug test?

They can. They don't have to if you have proof of a negative test on meps records. Not every basic is the same. Drug tests cost money but they already have the people to give them.

How much does a steroid test in the Major League Baseball cost?

about $1.2 million dollars per drug test according to the MLB Drug Collectivity Agreement Act of 2004

How do they test for them in a gcms?

They separate the molecules in your urine and test each one. It is done with a program so the chances are very slim of the program messing up when its separating the molecules and testing them.