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im not sure about having you put to sleep but each tooth can be about 1900 for extrction. i had insurance coverage for my 4 extractions but I still had to pay 20% of the whole total which was about 381 per tooth, almost 1600 for all 4. good luck on your removal- it's not a pleasant one!

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Q: What is the average cost of having 3 wisdom teeth pulled if you have to be put to sleep to have it don?
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i have a wisdom tooth that hurts so bad that i cant sleep i need it pulled?

Kennerly Dental Group,Inc

How in the world can you cure numbness after getting wisdom teeth pulled out?

I find the fastest way is just to sleep it off.

Can you sleep after a wisdom tooth extraction?

only if you want

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I have to get my tooth pulled out but not my wisdom teeth it's a perminent tooth stuck in my gum would they put me to sleep?

It is not necessary to be asleep even for your wisdom teeth extractions, but if you're asking if they will because you WANT to be asleep then you simply have to ask your dentist. You should be able to find a dentist around you that is offering sleep dentistry, though it really is unnecessary and will be much more costly. It probably would not take more than 5 minutes if it isn't a molar.

Should you go to sleep when having wisdom teeth pulled?

Well I am not a doctor or dentist but I had four wisdom teeth removed 5 days ago by an oral surgeon and I was "put to sleep" The process took less than an hour and I was fine. With any anesthesia there can be risk involved. Go to your oral surgeon for a consultation and they can review those with you.

Does having your wisdom teeth pulled out hurt?

Yes it does hurt afterwards because most of the time they are impacted and they have to cut them out. But iv sedation is the best way to go and if you find a good oral surgeon they will hook you up with pain killers for afterwards Well most times you're put to sleep.. so you feel nothing until you wake up and then of course it will hurt while it heals

What happens to vampires while they sleep?

vampires do not sleep or they will get their heart staked. They dream of electric sheep that have their extension cords pulled out.

Does it hurt having all your teeth pulled?

well if your having them all pulled out at once, it wouldn't actually hurt as the dentist would numb your mouth. or put you to sleep for that amount of dental work being done. The pain comes from getting food stuck in the holes left over, and waiting for them to heal. i know, personal experience.

How long do you have to sleep with your head elevated after getting your wisdom teeth taken out?

As long as you want to.

What do the dentist give when putting you to sleep before cutting a wisdom tooth?

they will normally inject a local aneasthetic to numb the pain. you will then experience numbness in your jaw. Once the aneasthetic takes affect, the only feeling you will have is your tooth being pulled out. no pain. maybe slight pain. Source: i am a dentist