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Q: What is the average heart rate of someone when they are about to die?
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Related questions

How do you know when someone will die?

-when heart rate deacreas and blood pressure deacreases

What if you exercise above Max heart rate?

you die.

How does heart rate work?

heart rate is the amount of beats your heart can make in a certain amount of time.heart rate is important because if your heart beats to slow when you excercise or to fast when you are doing nothing you could die.

When someone die from grief that person is said to die from?

A broken heart.

What is the rate that neurons die per day?

The average rate that neurons die per day are approximetly 1000 to 1350

Can a human die of a fast heart rate?

Technically yes, but it would have to be at LEAST over 250, probably more.

How many times does a heart beat in an average lifetime?

For an average lifetime, a heart beats for 4 000 000 000 times without stopping.

Can someone really DIE from a kick in the stomach?

Yes you could. Kicking in the stomach activates the nerve call Vagus nerve (CN 10). This nerves inhibits the heart by slowing down the heart rate. If the blow on the stomach is too strong, then it could cause heart arrest.

If you break me I do not stop working If you touch me I may be snared If you lose me nothing will matter What am I?

The answer is the Heart. Break someone's heart, and they won't die, for it still pumps. Touch someone's heart, and they will be snared by it. Lose someone's heart, and it will seem as if nothing will matter.

What type of music increases your heart rate the most?

classical increases to where you can almost die!

What happens to heart rate during respiratory depression?

your hart would stop and you would die

If someone is panicking while having a heart attack is it unsafe to sedate them?

If someone is having a heart attack it is not safe to sedate the. Sedating a person while having a heart attack can cause them to die.