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Q: What is the average income of an entrepreneur in residence?
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What is the salary of entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a person who starts his own business as opposed to someone who works for somebody else's business. Therefore, the entrepreneur's income is not based on a pre-determined salary but on the amount of profit the business earns and how much of the profit the entrepreneur decides to keep for himself.

How does the worldwide average income and the us average income compare?

The US average income is MUCH higher than the world average income.

Is your credit line is based on your monthly income your current debt and length of residence at your current address?

Yes, your credit line is based on your monthly income your current debt and length of residence at your current address.

What is the average salary for a university graduate?

No where near that of an entrepreneur's.

When can a single-family residence be depreciated for income tax purposes?

When you are renting it out as a business.

How much is Cam'ron's networth?

Just to get an estimate of how Cam'Ron is living: I know that his main residence (I cannot release where) as of today's date (3/27/10) is worth: Average Sales Price: $620, 800 and his average household income is: $63,000

What is the average American income?

the average income depends on your job

What is the average income of a California embalmer?

the average income is 300,990,234.788

In Hawaii what is the average family income?

what is the average income in hawaii

What is the average Ga income?

The average Georgia Income is $47,590

What is Mexico's average income compared to Canada's average income?

Mexico's average income (2013) is of approximately US$12,732. Canada's average income is approximately of US$28,194 a year. This means Mexico's average income is roughly 45% of Canada's.