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about 20 inches (50.8 cm) which is less than 2 feet

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Q: What is the average length of a Toucan?
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Related questions

What is the wingspan of the keel billed toucan?

The average Toucan's wingspan is four feet, but depending on the climate when the egg hatches, the toucan can grow to have up to a five and a half foot wingspan, and as little as a two and a half foot wingspan at full size.

What is a toucan's lifespan?

A toucan's life span (average life span) is aprox. 20 years

How long is the bill of a Toucan?

Toucans come in many different sizes, as do their bills. The toco toucan is the biggest, and at 29 inches in length this bird has a bill that is about 14 to 16 inches long.

What is the length of an average couch?

An average couch is about average length

What are some toucan species?

there is the toco toucan. and there is the keel billed toucan.

What is the species of a black toucan?

Black-billed Mountain Toucan, White-throated Toucan,Black-mandibled Toucan

What is the difference between a toco toucan and toucan?

Toucans are a type of bird. The toco toucan is one species of toucan.

What is the average length of a vehicle?

The average length of a vehicle is 17feet

What is an Ariel toucan?

An Ariel toucan is a species of toucan, Latin name Raphastos vitellinus ariel, a subspecies of the channel-billed toucan.

How many young does a toucan have on average?

Toucans can have appromixly 4 babies at one time. at least i think......

What would be the weight of a baby toucan?

it would be about 5lbs in adult size in baby size its about 48 kil.

Does a toucan play fech?

A toucan trous a berry to a outer toucan and it eat the berry.