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Q: What is the average movement of lithospheric plates?
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What is the average movement per year of the lithospheric plates?

5 centimeters.

Is it true Movement of lithospheric plates allows for the formation of volcanoes?

No, the wording of you question is not true. However the movement of the lithospheric plates is related to the formation of volcanoes.

How is a mountain range formed?

The movement and/or interaction of lithospheric plates.

Movement of lithospheric plates allows for the formation of volcanoes.?

true A+

What is the role of the mid-ocean ridge in the movement of lithospheric plates?

Fill the gap between separating plates.

What is the role of the mid ocean ridge in the movement of lithospheric plates?

Fill the gap between separating plates.

True or false Movement of lithospheric plates allows for the formation of volcanoes.?


How might the plasticity of earth's mantle influence the movement of the lithospheric plates?

Plasticity means that there is enough movement in the asthenosphere to allow thelithospheric plates to move.

How might the plasticity of the mantle influence the movement of the earths lithospheric plates?

Plasticity means that there is enough movement in the asthenosphere to allow thelithospheric plates to move.

What is the Driving Force For Movement Of The Lithospheric Plates?

unequal distribution of heat within Earth.

The lithospheric plates move an average of?

5 centimeters per year

What is the behavior of the crustal plates in relation to the asthenosphere?

Crustal (or lithospheric) plates are pulled or pushed by the movement of heated rock in the asthenosphere.