

What is the average national pay for janitorial jobs?

Updated: 9/11/2019
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13y ago

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The average national pay for janitorial jobs is about ten dollars an hour. It is an extremely difficult job.

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Q: What is the average national pay for janitorial jobs?
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A typical starting pay for non-union janitorial jobs is minimum wage. This depends on the state that you live in.

Do janitorial jobs pay well?

Janitorial jobs usually pay an hourly wage that may be a bit more than minimum wage. It depends on the nature of the work, the hours, experience and the employer.

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Janitorial Occupations pay well and are need very little training.

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Janitorial jobs pay minimum wage in Northeast Ohio and in every state in America. Benefits are included most of the time. Make sure to ask these questions during your job interview.

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The highest average pay for janitor jobs is 15$ per hour. The pay depends on where you work. if its a corporation or a mall or a store, the average pay widely varies.

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In the UK the national average for delivery jobs is between å£17,000 and å£25,000. It is higher in London because of the increased cost of living in the capital.

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How can I find a janitorial job?

Janitorial jobs are listed in local papers, such as the Liverpool Echo or Manchester Evening News. You can also use the government website to search for free online. Commercial job sites such as and totaljobs also list janitorial positions which list the pay so you can be aware before applying how much the salary is.

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The average pay for Maintenance Engineering Jobs is around $61,000. A huge amount, so if you are looking for that kind of job, go for it!

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What is the average wage for a janitorial career?

The median salary for a janitor is just over $24,000. The pay is based on experience, but can also depend on what type of janitor you are looking into.