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onehundred and eleven or 111 for the month of december the others vary... -B)

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Q: What is the average temperature in the winter in the Amazon rain forest?
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What is the Average temperature for Summer and Winter in the Amazon Rainforest?

winter: 44f summer: 77f

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What is the average temperature in Colorado in winter

What is the average temperature per year for a deciduous rain forest?

A deciduous forest ranges in temperature throughout the year from 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.

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What is the average temperature like in the Tropical Rain forest?

It is the tropics,! 90's+ in summer, 70's+ in winter.

What is the temperature for the deciduous forest in the winter?

really hot

What is the average winter temperature in Chile?

In Chile, the average winter temperature is 7.5 degrees Celsius. The average summer temperature in Chile is 19.5 degrees Celsius.

What is the average winter temperature in Maryland?

Hello Maryland's average tempature in winter is 88 degrees.

How do yearly average temperature of deciduous and coniferous forests compare?

The decidious forest has all four seasons,but the tagia has one season,winter.

What is the average winter temperature of Colombia?

the average temperature in Colombia for winter is 32 degrees to 91 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the average temperature in the area of MIT during the winter?

The average temperature in MIT during the winter is 22.1°F

What is the average temperature in the deciduous forest in the winter?

That depends. Desiduous or leafed trees grow in regions from the equator to as far north as 72° N, and as far south as 54°S. The average winter temperature is going to depend heavily on variables such as latitude, altitude, and environmental current (atmospheric and ocean).