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about 85 to90 degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: What is the average temperature of the monteverade rainforest?
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What is the average temperature in the tropical rainforest?

Average of 78.5 degrees fahrenheit.

What is the average temperature in winter at a rainforest?

-322 degrees

What is the average temperature in the rainforest in the spring?

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The average temperature in the Amazon rainforest in a year?

the adverage temp. in the Amazon Rainforest is 77 F

What is the average temperature of the hoh rainforest?

27 degrees Celsius

What is the summer temperature in the rainforest?

The average temperature in the West African rainforest is around 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature rarely gets higher than 93 degrees Fahrenheit or lower than 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the average temperature in the rainforest?

Usualy from -6 to 27 degrees C

What is a average temperature in a tropical rainforest's?

40 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the Average temperature for Summer and Winter in the Amazon Rainforest?

winter: 44f summer: 77f

What is the average temperature in the tropical rainforest in the summer?

Average Rainforest TemperatureThe average temperature of a rainforest is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Usualy from -6 to 27 degrees Cclimates that are moist for all months which have average temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius.The temperature of a rainforest is cool-more like cold. In some parts of Brazil, the average temperature is 26 degrees Celsius!Rainforests have different temperatures. There are tropical and temperate rain forests. Asking what the temperature of a rainforest is is like asking what the temperature of a cupcake is: did it just come out of the oven, or has it been sitting in a freezer for a couple of days?