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Q: What is the average the tempriture of Saturn in digreese celsius?
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What is the average temperature of Saturn in digreese Celsius?

It works out at -178 degrees Celcius.

Saturn's average surface temperature?

The average temperature on Saturn is -288 degrees Fahrenheit, or -178 Celsius. Much of the planet's temperature variation is horizontal.

How much hotter is Saturn than Neptune?

The much hotter planet is Saturn. Saturn's average surface temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius above that of Neptune.

What is the weather and climate like on Saturn?

Average surface temperature is 134K = -139 Celsius = -218 Fahrenheit

Would a person burn on Saturn?

an average temperature of minus 288 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 178 degrees Celsius), Saturn is a pretty cool planet.

What is Saturn's average high and low temperature range?

The average temperature at the "surface" of Saturn is about minus 150 degrees Celsius. In fact that doesn't vary much from poles to equator. So, there not much of a maximum and minimum.

What is the average temperature on Saturn?

the average surface temp is -210 degrees Fahrenheit (138.71 K or -134.44 Celsius)

Will human beings should be able to live on Saturn?

Human beings will probably not be able to ever live on Saturn. The average temperature on Saturn is -176 degrees Celsius, which is far too cold for human life.

What is the temperature on the dark side of Saturn?

There's not much difference between day and night temperatures because Saturn is so far from the Sun and it rotates quickly. The average temperature on the "surface " is about minus 190 degrees Celsius.

What is the Temapature of Saturn the planet?

-175 celsius

What is Saturn's temperature range and high and low?

The average temperature at the "surface" of Saturn is about minus 150 degrees Celsius. In fact that doesn't vary much from poles to equator. So, there not much of a maximum and minimum.

What is the high temperature on Saturn in Celsius?

The temperature in the upper atmosphere of Saturn is approximately -175°C, which increases closer to the center of the planet. Saturn has a very hot interior, reaching 11,700 °C at the core.