

What is the avioli?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Well, first of all they're called the Alveoli. Alveoli are tiny sacs in the lungs that perform gas exchange. That is the main process of respiration where the body gets rid of carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen which is used in metabolism. They have supply of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood surrounding their surface giving them a high blood supply. They also have thin walls and a moist surface. This is all required for them to work correctly.

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What is the function of the avioli?

The function of the avioli is to exchange gas and oxygen. In turn, it then turns it into carbon dioxide.

What causes carbon dioxide to leave the body?

The avioli.

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The avioli

Where in the repiratory system does gas exchange occur?

Between the avioli and the lungs.

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Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconiosis is the rare disease in which volcanic silica ash gets lodged in the avioli of the lungs.

Why are air sacs to absorb oxygen effectively?

Avioli increase the effective surface area which the body uses to transfer gasses to outside the body.

What supplies oxygen to the other parts of the body?

the avioli in your lungs carry oxygen to blood cells. Blood then carries the oxygen to other parts of the body viz veins and arteries.

What gas is an example of a simple asphyxiant?

Carbon monoxide. This gas is taken up preferentially by the avioli of the lungs and does not contribute it's oxygen to the process of respiration. So, asphyxiation follows id concentrated CO is present in the immediate atmosphere.

Why are oxygen are the oxygen level's in a smoker's blood less than those in a non-smoker?

one major reason is that cigarette smoke contains tar which coats the avioli in the lungs. these are special projections in the lung that increase surface area (an increased surface area is proportional to an increased absorption rate, in this case dissolving oxygen gas on the moist membrane of the lung.) as the tar coats the avioli the available surface area decreases and therefore the absorption rate decreases. so essentially a smoker is getting less from each breath as a nonsmoker, this results in a lower blood-oxygen reading for a smoker. this also accounts for why smokers run out of breath sooner and a why they sometimes cough up black flem.

What is the group of air sacs?

Its the little avioli or alvioli inside of your lungs, these allow us to breathe in clean air and out co2. When these get damaged from smoking, drugs etc our breathing becomes very bad and this can lead to throat cancer, if these things ever get soooo damaged it could kill us, and shorten our life span.

What give oxygen to red blood cells?

the un-oxygenated blood is pumped into the lungs where the oxygen is transfused out of the tiny air sacks or avioli before being pumped back to the heart and around the body