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Q: What is the axial tilt for all dwarf planet?
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Which planet has a zero tilt?

All planets have some degree of axial tilt - or obliquity. Mercury has the smallest with a tilt of only 0.027 degrees - so small as to be nearly zero.

What inner planet has a tilted axis?

Almost all planets have an axial tilt, some more than others. Mercury doesn't though.

Why is mercury a dwarf- planet?

Mercury is not a dwarf planet. It is a planet.

Does Jupiter have a tilted axis?

Yes it does. The tilt is so large that the planet's rotational axis is roughly in the plane of its orbit.

Do all astronomers think that Pluto is a planet?

No. It was categorised as a dwarf planet in 2006, but not all astronomers agree with that decision.

Which planet is the tilted planet?

All the planets have some tilt to their axis. Uranus has the greatest tilt of about 90 degrees.

How do temperatures of an extrasolar planet vary during one year?

The seasonal variations of temperature on any planet depend on the characteristics of the planet's orbit, atmosphere, and axial tilt. Extrasolar planets are not all the same and appear to come in even greater variety than what we see in our solar system.

Does Neptune have a very tilted axis?

Neptune's axial tilt is 28.32 degrees, not much different from earth's

What is special about the planet Ceres?

it is a dwarf planet and it is not in back of the four main planets which all of the other dwarf planets are

Is Pluto the first smallest planet?

No, mercury is. Pluto is a dwarf planet because it does not meet all the criteria to be a planet and it is the second largest dwarf planet so far.

What is a dwarf planets physical features?

A dwarf planet does not have an special features except that it is small. It has the same features as any other planet may. All a dwarf planet is is a classification saying it is too small to be a real planet.

What are the position of planets?

The position of the planets are, in order from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres [dwarf planet], Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto [dwarf planet], Haumea [dwarf planet], Makemake [dwarf planet] and Eris [dwarf planet].