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If endospores are formed there can be the survival phase.

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Q: What is the bacterial growth phase after death phase?
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Which phases of a typical bacterial growth curve illustrates a log change in cell number. Oviously log or growth phase is logarithmic. Is the death phase a negative log change?


During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does the total number of viable cells decline?

dead phase

What happens in the lag phase of bacterial growth?

Bacteria grow most rapidly during the log phase.

What does late log phase of bacterial growth curve?

you never finished your question

What are the significance of bacterial growth curve in food preservation?

Well bacterial growth curve give simply the time vs no of cell curve which can be consider for different bacteria that at which temprature and pH they can stop growing, which would help in preserving food.

What is the stage where bacteria grows rapidly?

Under ideal conditions, the growth of a population of bacteria occurs in several stages termed lag, log, stationary, and death.During the lag phase, active metabolic activity occurs involving synthesis of DNA and enzymes, but no growth.Geometric population growth occurs during the log, or exponential phase, when metabolic activity is most intense..Following the log phase, the growth rate slows and the production of new cells equals the rate of cell death. This period, known as the stationary phase, involves the establishment of an equilibrium in population numbers and a slowing of the metabolic activities of individual cells. The stationary phase reflects a change in growing condition—for example, a lack of nutrients and/or the accumulation of waste products.When the rate of cell deaths exceeds the number of new cells formed, the population equilibrium shifts to a net reduction in numbers and the population enters the death phase, or logarithmic decline phase. The population may diminish until only a few cells remain, or the population may die out entirely.

What are the 4 phases of micro organism growth?

1. lag phase- cell does not increase in mass2. exponential phase-cell grows at maximum concentration3. stationary phase- straight line phase.balance between cell death and cell division.4. decline or death phase- cell death increase and cell division decrease.

There are five stages of growth in an open system of culture?

Lag phase, exponential or log phase, stationary phase, death phase, and phase of prolonged decline.

At what stage in the microbial growth curve spores develop?

Spores form during the Stationary Phase of the Bacterial Growth Curve. During the lag phase or the log phase, things are good for the bacteria, so they arent thinking about what it is like to live without all the resources that they need, so they dont start forming the spores yet. Once the bacteria reach the death phase they are not able to form spores anymore, let alone stay alive. So the only phase that the spore forming bacteria make there spores is during the stationary phase.

Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?

The bacterial growth curve is usually exponential in shape just like most of the living organism.

What phase is the growth phase?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.

What is the first growth phase?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.