

What is the bad thing about animal testing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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If the product has bad side effects, the animal suffer. Most products tested on animals are shampoo and lotions, so side effects could be hair loss, skin infections and many more. If the product has bad side effects, the animal suffer. Most products tested on animals are shampoo and lotions, so side effects could be hair loss, skin infections and many more.

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Q: What is the bad thing about animal testing?
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Animal testing is bad?

animal testing is good and bad. its good to help solve serious diseases and bad because it makes animals suffer in pain.

Whats bad about testing on animals?

It harms the animal.

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It is a great thing if a company is observing a moratorium on animal testing. This means that they are not testing on animals.

Should you use animal testing?

No, because an animal is also a living thing.

Who thinks animal testing is bad?

I for one think that animal testing is horrible. The animals have know idea what chemicals are in there that can cause them to die! =(

How is animal testing bad?

You could harm them or even kill them.

Are animal by products and animal testing the same thing?

No these are not the same things animal by products are parts of the animal taken from the animal while animal testing is a horrid thing they do to animals if you would like to get more info than there are probably videos and information about both on theInternet

Why animal testing should be done?

I am HIGHLY against animal testing but as all thing there are pro's and con's...... If people tested shampoo on humans and it was poisonous then that person might die. If an animal tested shampoo then that a loss, but there are LOADS of different types/breeds of animals and it wont affect the world that bad.

What is a good thing about animal testing?

u find out things about them

Is animal racing a good or bad thing?

I think its a bad thing.

Do they do animal testings in Colorado?

yes there are always animal testing everywhere and it's really bad=(