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Q: What is the bamboo lemurs predator?
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What animals eat bamboo in the tropical forest?

bamboo lemurs

What is related to the Ring tailed Lemur?

The Ring-tailed lemur is a primate species native to Madagascar and is known for its distinctive black and white ringed tail. They are social animals that live in groups called troops and are primarily herbivores, feeding on fruits, leaves, and flowers. Ring-tailed lemurs are also known for their sunbathing behavior, where they sit with their arms outstretched to absorb warmth from the sun.

How many babies do the greater bamboo lemur have?

Greater bamboo lemurs typically have only one offspring.

How do Bamboo Lemurs Mate?

Just like any other mammals

How many golden bamboo lemurs are left in the world?

there are only 2000 left in the world

How many people like Bamboo lemurs?

not many they have weird tails and look scary

What does a greater bamboo lemur eat?

who knows it is so hard to find out im doing a report so...

What animals in the tropical forset eat bamboo?

One animal in the rain forest that eats bamboo is the giant panda. Also, rats and lemurs that live in the rain forest will eat bamboo.

Why are greater bamboo lemurs hunted?

Bamboo lemurs are sometimes captured for the local pet trade, but are also hunted for food. The Malagasy people are very poor and get very little protein in their diet, so some turn to their natural resources to supplement their diet.

What special body part does a golden bamboo lemur have?

Golden bamboo lemurs do not have a "special body part" if compared to the other bamboo lemur species. They do have a high tolerance of cyanide, but that's a difference in biochemistry and not anatomy.

How many greater bamboo lemurs are there?

Golden Bamboo Lemurs live in southeastern Madagascar. It can be seen in Ranomafana National Park.

Why are people hunting greater bamboo lemurs?

People kill Greater Bamboo Lemurs for their fur, but properly not their meet. So they were put on the endangered list. Though now their populations have increased they are still endangered. Now people are protecting them and no people really hunt them any more.By: Shamar Shqair.