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That's called visible light.

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Q: What is the band of light waves in the electromagnetic spectrum that vibrates at frequencies our eyes can detect?
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What radiations can humans see?

We detect electromagnetic radiation in a narrow band of frequencies that we call "visible light" with our eyes. We can feel a broader spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that we call "heat". (There are some overlaps.) We can build tools that detect ANY frequency of electromagnetic radiation, and display that in any format we select.

What does the spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum do?

I suppose you mean the visible spectrum, only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The visible spectrum is basically all of the colors the human eye can detect.

Human eyes can detect this portion of the electromagnetic spectrum?


Why are there diiferent telescopes in space?

To detect different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum can the human eye detect?

VIsual light

How much of the electromagnetic spectrum can your eye detect as light?

visible light

What two parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can a rattlesnake detect?

They can detect both visible light and infrared radiation.

Do waves of the electromagnetic spectrum have the same frequencey?

We generate and detect electromagnetic waves that have frequenciesbetween 15 KHz and 300 GHz for a huge number of different purposes.In addition to the ones we're able to generate, other electromagnetic waves occurin nature, with frequencies up to 3,000,000,000,000,000,000 GHz.

Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used to detect broken bones?


The range of electromagnetic waves that human eyes can detect?

visible light spectrum

What is the EM spectrum?

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the entire range of frequencies that electromagnetic radiation can have. The EM spectrum is divided into sections based on the common characteristics that certain frequency ranges have. These sections are, in order from low to high frequency, radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light (which from low to high frequency is further divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. You can think of the EM spectrum as an invisible rainbow with visible light being a small part of it. And, like a rainbow, the edges of the divided sections are blurry; i.e. there is no exact frequency where one can say, for example, that this wave is no longer an X-ray, but is instead a gamma ray. it is waves of light in order of their wavelengths and frequencies APEX: A chart of frequencies of light waves.

What are the the components of electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation is simultaneously both waves and photons. The waves are perpendicular electrical waves and magnetic waves. Photons are massless particles. At lower frequencies/energies the waves are the easier to detect phenomenon, at higher frequencies/energies the photons are the easier to detect phenomenon, but it is always both all the time.