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Punctuate is the root word.

Punctuate your sentences.

Make sure you use correct punctuation.

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Q: What is the base word for punctuation?
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Word you can make out of punctuation?

Words are not made out of punctuation.

What puncuation is the word bonvivant?

It is not punctuation it is a word

Can you use a semicolon before while?

Punctuation is a feature of sentence structure. There is no word that must take any particular punctuation, and no word that cannot take any particular punctuation.

What are silent letters on the word punctuation?

In the word "punctuation," the silent letters are "u" and "a." The "u" is silent, as it is not pronounced in the word. The "a" is also silent, as it does not have a distinct sound in the word.

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Do you need punctuation after the word dr?

Yes, you should include a period after the abbreviation "Dr." when it is used at the end of a sentence, in order to indicate that the sentence has ended. "Dr." is an abbreviation for "Doctor," so it functions like any other abbreviation in terms of punctuation rules.

What punctuation goes after the word enclosure at the end of a business letter?

After the word "enclosure" at the end of a business letter, you would typically include a colon or a comma.

What is the plural form of the word punctuation?

The noun 'punctuation' is a mass noun (also called an uncountable noun), it has no plural form.The noun 'punctuation' is a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements.

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When resetti tells us to type a word and you type it he says its wrong in animal crossing?

You have to do it punctuation by punctuation!