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A black hole is a region of space in which gravitation is so strong that not even light can escape found at the centers of galaxies and also as the final stage after the death of very massive stars.

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1mo ago

A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses under its own gravity.

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13y ago

Basically a black hole is a exploded and squashed up star, with lots of gravity

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9y ago

A black hole is a region of space-time in which gravity is so strong that no matter or radiation can escape.

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The definition of object with strong gravitational pull that nothing not even light can escape from it best fits which science term?

Black Hole

How can you tell if there is a black hole?

Astronomers look for black holes by searching for their effects (the hole itself by definition can't be seen). Some of the possible effects are gravitational lensing and electromagnetic radiation from the hole's accretion disk.

What is more dangerous a black hole or a dark hole?

A black hole is more dangerous than a dark hole. Black holes are regions in space with gravitational forces so strong that not even light can escape, while a dark hole does not have a specific scientific definition and may refer to areas of space with lower light or energy levels.

What happens if you explode an Atomic Bomb inside a Black Hole?

The force of the impact will still be absorbed by the black hole. By definition, a black hole is a very dense mass where no form of radiation can escape - not even light. Since no explosion is faster than light, a black hole would absorb the blast, the impact, and all forms of light and radiation that would be emitted from the bomb. If you were to watch a black hole, you would see no changes from it.

What is the difference between a Scchwarzschild and a Kerr black hole?

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

If the whole mass of the universe was once contained in a baseball sized volume why was this not a black hole by definition so is our universe a failed black hole and each black hole a failed universe?

Partially because when the universe was the size of a baseball the four principle forces were not yet separate, but one force. So there was no gravity to create a black hole, there was no strong force, weak force, or the force of electromagnetism.

What does the black hole do to the star?

A black hole originated as a star, that is, the star converted to a black hole.

What device do you need to see a black hole?

A black hole cannot be observed directly. It cannot be "seen" as we understand the term in its basic form. But we can use a telescope to "guess" that a black hole may be in a certain location by the effects of the black hole. The presence of a black hole can be deduced from the way nearby stars move around it, or it may be "seen" by what is called gravitational lensing. The latter is a phenomenon whereby light from sources "behind" the black hole is "bent" around the black hole. If a black hole is close enough, the generation of X-rays at the event horizon would allow it to be detected, but don't count on anyone finding one in this manner. Use the link below to learn more and see a short motion graffic of gravitational lensing.

Where will you go in a black hole it?

If you fall into a black hole, you'll go into the black hole and nowhere else.

Does a black hole have an atmosphere?

No - Definition for an atmosphere is a layer of gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass, and that is held in place by the gravity of the body. Note: While there have been some papers written on the notion of black hole atmosphere, their employment differs widely. Rather the concept of gravitationally held matter for black holes is better represented as the ergosphere of a black hole.

What is the environment in a black hole?

probs black hole

Is the super massive black hole the largest black hole?

Black hole is a location in space that possesses so much gravity, nothing can escape from its pull. Yes, Super massive black hole is the largest black hole.