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Q: What is the basic driving force for plate movement?
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oh nah

The driving force behind plate movement is the process of that occurs in the mantle.?


What is the driving force behind plate movement is the process of that occurs in the mantal?

gradationconvection currents

What is thought to be the main driving force behind plate movement?

slab pull

Which is the stronger force behind the plate movement?


What is thought to be the main driving behind plate movement?


What land features result from the force of plate movement?

Mountains and deep cracks in the surface of Earth are features that result from the forces of the plate movement.

What force caused the movement of the continents to one super continent?

Plate tectonics.

What are the types of movement between plates?

There are three basic plate movement types, first there is convergent movement. Secondly, there is divergent movement and lastly there is transform movements.

What theory describes the motion of the force driving the Earth's plates?

plate tectonics

What is thought to be the driving mechanism of plate movement?


Many scientists believe that crustal plate movement occurs because of convection cells contained in earth's?

Convection in the mantle is thought to be one of the potential driving mechanisms of plate movement.