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the centre has a nucleus

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Q: What is the basic structure of an atom as postulated by Bohr?
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Who postulated the atom?

Niels Bohr

Why were Niels Bohr's ideas important to the understanding of the structure of the atom?

What was proven wrong about the structure of Niels Bohr atom

What was proven wrong about the structure of niels bohr atom?


What was the Bohr model an attempt to explain?

Is not complete becuase not everythin is correct

Inventions o Niels Bohr?

Well one thing he invented was the atom bomb

The model of the atom based on Quantom Theory is often called what?

Bohr atom

Who made the first use of quantum theory to explain the structure of atom?

Niels Bohr

When did Niels Bohr discover the atomic structure?

Bohr model was Introduced by Niels Bohr in 1913 A related model was originally proposed by Arthur Erich Haas in 1910, but was rejected.

Was niels bohr the first to come up with the atom?

No. Ancient Greek philosophers postulated the existence of atoms.In 1803, John Dalton proposed an atom to explain chemical reactions that had been observed by scientists since the 1800's.

How was bohr's theory of atomic structure different from the current theory?

It was only accurate when describing the hydrogen atom.

Is Bohr's atomic model considered accurate in describing the structure of the atom?

No. It doesn't fit the quantum data.

The scientist whose model of the atom is now accepted as the most accurate atomic structure is?

Niels bohr