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Hypophosphorous acid is a monobasic acid, meaning it can donate one hydrogen ion (proton) in a chemical reaction. This makes it a weaker acid compared to other phosphorus acids like phosphoric acid.

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Q: What is the basicity of hypophosphorous acid?
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What is the formula for Hypophosphorous acid?

It is H3PO2 .

Who can buy hypophosphorous acid in austrailla?

we are he supplier of hypophosphorous acid 50% 65%,please contact with me via my email: skype:apeng9636

What is the basicity of sulphuric acid?

Sulfuric acid is a strong acid and can donate two protons (H+) per molecule, making it a dibasic acid. This means that it has a basicity of 2.

What is hypo phosphorus acid?

Hypophosphorous acid is H3PO2. See

HPO2 chemical name?

Hypophosphorous acid.

What do you mean by basicity of an acid?

The basicity of an acid refers to the number of hydrogen ions (H+) that it can donate when it dissociates in a solution. A monobasic acid donates one H+, a dibasic acid donates two H+, and so on. It is a measure of the acid's strength and is related to its ability to neutralize bases.

What is the basicity of oxalic acid?

Oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid and has two carboxylic acid groups. Therefore, it is a dibasic acid, meaning it can donate two protons per molecule in acid-base reactions.

What is basicity of phosphoric acid?

it is acidic.

The basicity of phosphoric acid is?

Phosphoric acid is a triprotic acid, meaning it can donate three protons (H+ ions). Therefore, it shows three levels of basicity.

What is the basicity of nitric acid?

Nitric acid is a strong acid, so it does not exhibit basicity. Instead, it is an acidic compound that can donate a proton (H+) in solution.

What is the basictiy of nitric acid?

The basicity of nitric acid is 1. It can donate one proton in a chemical reaction.

How do you find the basicity of oxalic acid?

COOH COO- l l COOH --------- COO- + 2H+.So oxalic acid is monoprotic acid its basidity is 2.